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Aintzane Márquez

Senior attorney at Women’s Link Worldwide

Women's Link Worldwide

Aintzane Márquez is a senior attorney at Women’s Link Worldwide.

December 22, 2022

In early 2020, Spain blocked the website of Women on Web, an organisation that provides information on sexual health and reproductive rights and access to safe abortion through online and email services. In a year, Women on Web provides on average 10,000 online reproductive health services and answers about 100,000 emails from people seeking information about abortions. The online services are available in about 200 countries in the Middle East, northern Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America.

The blocking of the website in Spain in the middle of the pandemic when more people were accessing online services, left many unable to attain information on how to access a safe abortion in Spain, especially poor, rural and migrant women who turned to Women on Web in search of information they could not find elsewhere.