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Rojita Adhikari profile image

Rojita Adhikari

Freelance Journalist

Rojita Adhikari, an award-winning independent investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Kathmandu Nepal whose documentaries have appeared on Al Jazeera, France3 TV, and words have been published on TIME, The Guardian, BMJ, News Deeply, Nepali Times, Pacific Standard, and SciDevNet amongst others. Her photographs have been published on Global Health Now, NPR, PRI, and others. Also, she has reported for the BBC World Service, CNN, and The New York Times.

February 26, 2024

For Nepali nurse Anshu, being picked for a job programme in Britain was long overdue recognition of her years of study and work - and a chance to boost her earnings.

"I finally feel my work has been valued," said the 28-year-old, who asked to be identified only by her first name. She hopes her current monthly salary of 26,000 rupees ($196) at a private hospital in Nepal will rise to more than 10-times that in Britain.