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Fintan McDonnell

Video Producer

Thomson Reuters Foundation

Fintan McDonnell is a Video Producer for the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

July 02, 2024

We’re creating so much data that soon we’ll be running out of space to store it. Can DNA help us shrink our data hoarding problem?

March 07, 2024

Modern life is powered by cloud data. But the virtual storage has a hidden carbon footprint – and the AI boom could supercharge it

October 02, 2023

On paper, Lebanon’s coastline is public and open to all. In practice, it’s a different story.

Activists say up to 80% of the country’s coast is occupied by private businesses that charge for entry, and the remaining 20% is often crowded and full of pollution.

September 21, 2023

Despite its snow-covered peaks and abundance of rivers, Lebanon is one of the most water-stressed countries in the world.

How did this happen - and what happens if Lebanon runs out of water?

August 16, 2023

Kevin is the UK’s top roundabout fan. What can his obsession teach us about cutting emissions from traffic?

August 09, 2023

Groceries are getting much more expensive – but one Dutch organisation thinks they should cost even more to account for the environmental and social damage they cause.

Neighbourhood store De Aanzet in Amsterdam is the first in the world to implement “true pricing” – a system of extra charges for food products that reflect the negative impacts from their production, from underpaid workers to carbon emissions and land and water use.

April 26, 2023

The taxi industry is one of the most gender-skewed professions in the world. The situation is slightly better when it comes to ride-hailing apps like Uber, but that comes with its own problems: women are paid less than men, platforms have been sued over safety, and working in the gig economy is precarious.

February 01, 2023

As fossil fuel use continues to change the climate, more frequent and more devastating climate disasters are boosting the damage bill.

At the centre of the loss and damage story, Vanuatu is going to the world’s highest court to help decide the issue: do polluting countries have an obligation to help those impacted by climate change?

November 10, 2022

Cheap DNA testing kits have enabled millions to peek into their family history, ancestry and inherited health conditions. But the technology has also raised ethical concerns over how customers’ data is being shared and sold for use in drug research and law enforcement.

It’s also upending the decades-old industry of anonymous sperm donations. We met Anna, who found her biological father - a sperm donor - along with 40 half-siblings after taking a DNA test.