Chinese tech patents tools that can detect, track Uighurs

An ethnic Uighur demonstrator wears a mask as she attends a protest against China in front of the Chinese Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, October 1, 2019. REUTERS/Huseyin Aldemir

An ethnic Uighur demonstrator wears a mask as she attends a protest against China in front of the Chinese Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, October 1, 2019. REUTERS/Huseyin Aldemir

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Top China security camera manufacturers have offered 'Uyghurs analytics', including Hikvision, Dahua and Uniview, according to IPVM report

By Avi Asher-Schapiro

BERLIN - Chinese technology giants have registered patents for tools that can detect, track and monitor Uighurs in a move human rights groups fear could entrench oppression of the Muslim minority.

The series of patents, filed as far back as 2017, were unearthed by IPVM, a video surveillance research firm.

In a report published on Tuesday, IPVM reveals a cluster of patents for systems that could be used to analyse images for the presence of Uighurs, and hook into ongoing surveillance camera and facial recognition networks.

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"We cannot ignore the fact that these technologies have been developed in order to be able to efficiently carry out..brutal oppression," Rushan Abbas, executive director of the rights group Campaign for Uyghurs, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., said cameras that operated in public places in Xinjiang did not "target any specific ethnicity".

United Nations officials have said China is transforming the Xinjiang region, where many Uighurs live, into a "massive internment camp", with the patented tracing tech seen by rights groups as key to the crackdown.

"These technologies allow police in China to go through a large database of faces, and flag faces that the AI has marked as non-Chinese, or Uighurs," says Charles Rollet, a researcher with IPVM. "There are major human rights implications"

The U.N estimates that more than a million Chinese Muslims, many of whom are from the minority Uighur ethnicity, have been detained in the province of Xinjiang, where activists say crimes against humanity and genocide are taking place.

China has denied any abuse and says its camps in the region provide vocational training and help fight extremism.

Research by human rights groups suggests that Chinese tech firms are building Uighur detection systems, using facial recognition to alert authorities to peoples' whereabouts, and predictive policing tools to identify which to detain.

Maya Wang of Human Rights Watch said the world should be alarmed by the use of tech in Uighur persecution.

"Imagine if the U.S. were a full-on dictatorship, imprisoning Black people just for being Black, and there was technology deployed across the country to detect where Black people were, so they could be hunted down," she said.

"That's what we are seeing in China - and the world needs to pay way more attention."

U.S. spillover

The debate over the role of corporations in China's treatment of the Uighurs is increasingly spilling over internationally, with the United States applying sanctions to Chinese tech firms accused of abetting the persecution.

The incoming Biden administration this week returned a donation from former U.S. senator Barbara Boxer, who had registered as a lobbyist for Hikvision, a video surveillance firm blacklisted by the U.S. government in 2019.

Boxer's firm, Mercury Public Affairs, did not respond to a request for comment.

According to the IPVM report, many top China security camera manufacturers have offered "Uyghurs analytics", including the three largest firms: Hikvision, Dahua and Uniview.

Hikvision told Reuters in 2019 that the firm "takes global human rights very seriously" and that its technology was also used in shops, traffic control and commercial buildings.

One patent application, filed by the Chinese tech giant Huawei in conjunction with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, describes how AI can tell if a pedestrian is Uighur or not.

"Huawei opposes discrimination of all types, including the use of technology to carry out ethnic discrimination," the company said in a statement emailed to the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

"Identifying individuals' race was never part of the research and development project. It should never have become part of the application and we are taking proactive steps to amend it."

Another patent from the facial recognition start-up Megvii mentions using a tool that can tell if Uighurs are present.

The company told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that its patent language was "open to misunderstanding" but that "Megvii has not developed and will not develop or sell racial or ethnic labelling solutions."

The scale of persecution means tech firms in China will be increasingly implicated in some form of abuse, Rollet said.

"If you're a Chinese tech company - in particular one that builds facial recognition - and the police are customers, you are going to have this kind of Uighur-detecting analytics," he said.

The report also discovered similar patents filed by firms that are not directly linked to surveillance.

A patent field by the e-commerce giant Alibaba described technology to detect race, though it did not specify Uighurs.

"I am shocked there are so many technology firms helping the Chinese government watch us," said Jevlan Shirmemmet, a Uighur activist living in Turkey who says his mother is detained in a Chinese internment camp.

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